

Rabu, 08 Januari 2020

WSL GUI Installation for Kali Linux

WSL GUI Instalation for Kali Linux

*Old (doesn't work anymore)

1.Using wget we will download a script which will install xfce for us. Xfce is a desktop environment for our OS, basically our GUI.
  1. wget

2.Type sudo sh to run the script. This will take a while to get installed. During the installation, you will be asked to select your keyboard layout. It’s pretty easy and intuitive so I didn’t even include it here.
  1. sudo sh

*The Other Way To Install XFCE

1.First update your system.
  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt upgrade
2.Install xfce.
  1. sudo apt-get install xfce4
3.Install xrdp.
  1. sudo apt-get install xrdp
4.Once the install is complete you will need to start xrdp by typing:
  1. sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp start
5.Once starting xrdp all that’s left to do is to connect to Kali. The machine is running on localhost so the IP to connect to is localhost:3390 (with port 3390). I will use the remote desktop connection program that comes with Windows.
6.Type in the username and password.

Possible Problem

If xrdp is running on port 3389 and not on port 3390 you will get this error:
Your computer could not connect to another console session on the remote computer because you already have a console session in progress.

To fix this error you need to change the port. To do so open up the xrdp configuration file:
  1. nano /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
Change the port=3389 to port=3390 and save the file.
After changing the config file xrdp has to be restarted.
  1. sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp restart
After xrdp has restarted you can try to connect again.

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